Wellness and Preventative Medicine

Wellness Care for Pets

Wellness care for pets of all ages is an important component of your pet’s ongoing good health.  Wellness care means an approach to pet health care that emphasizes the prevention of illness as opposed to emphasizing treating diseases.  Included in wellness care are:

  • Comprehensive Exams: A physical exam is one of the best tools available to keep your pet healthy.  With regular veterinary checkups (we recommend semi-annual)  and early treatment, yesterday’s old age for a pet is now the new pet middle age, with more years of good health and activity ahead for your pet to spend together.
  • Vaccinations:  We use only the highest quality vaccines that are intended to be “non-reactive” and not cause anaphylaxis (allergic reaction).   Our current protocol after the puppy/kitten series is to give annual DHPP for dogs, FVRCP for cats, and alternate the Rabies and Bordetella or other elective vaccines.  We follow a three-year vaccination protocol starting at 4 years of age, since we do not believe in over vaccination. We will complete a lifestyle disease risk assessment form prior to administering any vaccinations to ensure that we are creating a specific vaccine plan customized to the needs of you and your pet.  We are certain that you will find twice-yearly veterinary wellness exams for your pet to be a good investment in terms of money saved over the long run and, more importantly, in the longer and healthier life your pet can enjoy with you.
  • Blood Tests. We recommend semi-annual blood tests and urinalysis for ALL ages of pets. Preventative medicine means finding disease BEFORE it becomes a serious problem for your pet. Considering that one human year is equal to approximately 7 years for a pet, semi-annual blood wellness profiles are always recommended.

Depending upon the life stage of your pet, wellness care may include other services.  For more information wellness care for the age of your pet, please visit our puppy/kitten wellness care, adult dog/cat care, senior dog/cat care web pages.

We also offer MediPet Plus Health Care Wellness Plans for pets of all ages.  These plans offer every pet owner the opportunity to care for your pet while saving time and money.  Each plan provides discounted preventive veterinary services for one year and may be upgraded to a different plan if the need arises.  For more information about these pages, please visit our MediPet Plus Health Care Wellness Plan web pages.